Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Visit Part II

The Visit:
Part II
Morning Routines

With what I suppose was the hardest part out of the way, the rest of the evening continued on slowly. A few comments between myself and her father about the current state of affairs with politics and finance as my love kept on her binge well into the wee hours.                   
What I found most an amusing turn of events is how readily her mother had fallen back into a caretaker role. Wiping her daughters soiled face, bringing her more and more food and drink upon request, and even working out a grocery list to get her through the next few days of our visit.  At one point asking me for the recipe for the shake as well to be sure we kept it in supply.
Again, not expecting such a warm reception I had even gone as far as making hotel plans for myself assuming they would have chased me off by force and rushing her to the nearest weight loss clinic. Yet here I sat now, sipping the finest aged whiskey and sharing a cigar with my future father-in-law. Who, despite his reservations, had begun asking questions concerning the logistics and so on of both his porcine daughter’s care and ultimate affairs upon the impending results of such a lifestyle. The lump in my throat grew heavy, choking on the smoke as it blew around us.
“Well sir, we have set a Last Will and Testament for her as it stands. She has named the two of you beneficiaries of her portion of my estates and assets, as well as a notation of her willingness and desire to live what some may consider…” pausing to see how much attention my love was paying to us. None. She was utterly enraptured by the continued hand feeding of snack cakes and other such goodies we had brought her mother was occupied with. “Well to be honest sir, some might consider what we are doing an assisted suicide.” The latter end of the comment seemed to still unnerve him slightly, but with a large sip of fine aged peat spirits his nerves started to settle, especially when the question began about the estate that would be left to them. Naturally I made it rather clear that she was a thirty percent owner of all of my affairs, a fair pittance for a stay at home hog if I do say so myself. Along with that she did in fact earn a fair sum from the medical firm I had invested in as a lab rat as it were. A more than willing participant in trials for mobility aids, lifestyle support utilities, and of course the slew of medications she was currently taking to keep her ruined body alive. I may have left out the finer details but all in all he was quite shocked to hear that the heaving, sweaty mound that vaguely resembled his offspring had a net worth of nearly 6.8 billion dollars. All of which would be theirs upon her death due to complications of her obscene obesity.
A gut rippling belch that roared from my beautiful behemoth cut the silence after dropping that little bomb. Before either him or I could begin again she chimed in, vocally this time mind you, no abrupt expulsion of gases. “And since we’ve got the money, I wanted to treat my folks to an err nice… dinner… out with their daughter!” Immediately her mother clasped her hands with a joyous smile, her own elated, oblivious voice chiming in with acceptance of the offer, claiming they had planned on something of this nature already, though perhaps the options would now be a bit more limited due to the unexpected corpulence before her, that she yet still hand fed bite after bite or tipping the gulp mug of gainer to her lips. Her daughter flashed a smile, only viable from canine to canine behind her swollen cheeks.
“We had a place in mind momma,” she slaps her massive gut, giving it a good grab and jiggle, “and thanks to this I eat for free.” Her flesh continued to undulate from the impact both nowknowing exactly where she meant. The one place in town neither of them had really been too fond of since it had open, The Heart Attack Grill. Her voice once again sweetly split the silence, “I know Momma, people say it’s not a good place for the town, but I really wanna go. And if nothin else, they have a scale out front that could actually tell us how much I weigh.” The elder adults shrugged to her comment, knowing at this point there was probably no way of deterring her choices anyway.
With that, the matter was seemingly settled. Yawns spread as wildfire across the living room and as the old grandfather clock chimed eleven, the patriarch of the family retired to his chambers. Leaving the two of us, her mother and I to attempt to heave my dearest off the couch. We both leaned in and sunk our hands deep into the flesh of her sides and helped her shift forward to the edge of the couch, at this point she wasn’t even able to slide the three inches needed to lean forward and raise her herself without assistance.

Now I don’t know if she was putting on a show for her mother, or if the extra stuffing she had been partaking in had already caused some results but it had taken her over ten minutes just to get her feet planted on the floor in a position to try and stand.  We each grabbed a flabby wrist and pulled as she rocked back and forth, her gigantic body bouncing and shaking as she tried to move her vast weight. Her upper belly cascaded over her lower belly as she leant forwards, pooling into the space between her huge distended thighs. Face reddened with the exertion, her breathing growing more labored with each attempt. At least another twenty minutes passed before we finally had her upright and barely supporting all 850+ lbs. of herself in a standing position. After a brief pause and I watched her slowly and deliberately shuffle into the kitchen, gasping with each step. Just the effort of getting to her feet had already left her starving despite having binged all evening.
With a smile I gave her cellulite dimpled ass as soft tap as she leaned breathlessly against the wall between the living room and dining room. “Don’t worry my sweet, you shuffle on back to the bedroom, I’ll bring you some treats.” She gave me only a sly wink in return before taking her mother’s outstretched arm and was slowly guided back to her old bedroom.
I could hear the poor old box spring creek in agony from the kitchen as she lowered herself down onto the bed. Finding little else to binge upon in the cupboards and fridge, I turned to the freezer. While it was certainly meant for the Thanksgiving festivities, I’m sure her mother wouldn’t mind me “borrowing” the three-layer chocolate cake she had slyly kept hidden from her voracious daughter.  Taking it back with me, I met her mother in the hallway who, noticing that I had found the cake, only sighed and gave me a loose hug.
“Just make sure she is always happy…” was all she said before releasing me and walking out to the living room to clean up after the snacking.
Opening the door, I found my beauty spilling off the sides of the old twin bed, the sounds of popping springs and splintering wood barely audible over her rasping and wheezing. Taking pity of the poor creature I set up her C-Pap and began to ponder just how long this bed would last under her weight whilst unpacking her other medical supplies.
Even with the distress of such a trip, I could see in her eyes that she was enjoying this just as much, maybe even more than I was. Appearing like this, so incredibly overweight and unhealthy without any warning. We were both were beginning to feel like naughty teens again, alone her old bedroom that still had the boy band posters and stuffed animals of her youth decorating it. I finished unpacking her feeding funnel and sweat rash creams, “You know babe, seeing you like this, back in this room… Makes me wish I’d been able to fatten you up sooner.” I coo, petting her exposed belly and ever so gently kneading into its creamy soft form.

“If you had been feeding me like this since high school...” she trailed of for a moment, catching her breath and trying to fathom the would-be reality. “Fuck, I’d easily weigh a ton by now!” She was beaming, fondling her upper belly beside my hand.
“Only a ton?” I stammer, having turned and now leaning onto the dome of her belly, face perched between her breasts. She chuckled deeply, for a brief moment before becoming winded.
“I said easily, knowing you I’d fill this room and more if you’d had me as your little piggy for the past fifteen years.” With a sly wink she jiggled herself under me, feeling the stiffening of my arousal pressing into the softness of her curves. I’m not sure if it was me, the situation, or the smell of the chocolate cake I had placed on the bedside table when I entered, but she was feeling rather frisky. While to some the struggle of her trying to roll over on her own for a solid fifteen minutes would have been a deterrent, to us, well this was mere foreplay.
After much wobbling and shaking, catching her breath, she was finally in position. Her belly pooled out in front of her, a seemingly endless swathe of soft, heavy flesh, rolls seemed to pile upon rolls. Her eyes fixed on the cake, as my own gazed upon the corpulent beauty before me. She wanted it, NEEDED it, we both knew it. But then again in this moment the “it” in question, well there may have been some slight miscommunication.
As my hands traced her globular thighs I joking asked her to lift her leg but it was simply too heavy for her weakened muscles to move in such a manner for any sustained time, the weight of it just this single limb was too incredible. Thigh fat, calf fat, it seemed to go on forever. He could just support its weight, no longer able to get my arms around it’s fatty circumference. He struggling to enter my mountainous beauty. She seemed to care as much about my struggles as I did her own. Besides, she just wanted to eat. She was aware of her body rocking back and forth, but all she cared about was cake. More. Cake.
As her mind was preoccupied with the food before her, my own was soaring with the thoughts and hopes for what we might discover tomorrow. Insane numbers raced through my mind, stiffening my already throbbing manhood as it forced its way in her fat constricted cunt. My fit body, slamming hard into the folds and bulges of her adipose distorted form sent both her and I reeling into the night with escalated passions. Her exhaustion of existence, combined with the stimulus begun taking its toll, her already her hypertension reddened face grew a deeper shade of crimson, crumbs of cake sputtering from her lips with each rasping wheeze. Her eyes screamed enough for her choked off breath, cardiac arrest was imminent and still I plowed ever deeper into her mounds. 
I could tell the erratic nature of her tachy rhythm just from how she barely picked at the remaining cake. Her waning energy spent more into keeping herself alive through this pleasure. I sharp pang must have wrenched her chest as her arm, moving swifter than I had seen it move in months, clenched over her flesh buried heart, sending me over the edge as well. The warm expressions of my arousal flushed through her pubic folds, unsure if I had ever even penetrated properly I pulled back. A bit exhausted in my own right I did my best to clean her up, address her still unpredictable heart rate, medicated her and once calmed, fed her the rest of the cake until she passed out.
Tomorrow would be yet another impressive day though in a different way. So much to share, so much to do, and perhaps a surprise or two that not even my lovely was expecting. With a snide grin plastered across my face, I tucked myself between her vast form and the wall and drifted off to sleep.


The Autumn dawn rose late, as did I. Only having been awakened by the sound of my darling grunting and wheezing in an attempt to roll out of bed. Red faced as always, she sneered towards me as if to ask for help without really wanting too. This effort, of course, was utterly futile as we both knew there was no hope of righting herself on her own. Once I had finally had her on her feet and settled with her walker did she slowly make her way, fully nude I might add, out the bedroom door and down the hall. I heard the clattering of dishes hitting the floor from the kitchen not long after, it was a fair assumption one of the two older adults had finally gotten a clear view of the adipose laden blimp that was their daughter. 
“Momma….” she huffed, “I needa…. ~urrrfff~   take a…. ~urrrffffff~ shower…” Exhausted already her massive form collapsed across two of the chairs at the dining table, their legs giving off a slight creaking. A bit of bewilderment struck her parents in unison to this remark.
“We haven’t changed where the bathroom is dear…” Her father seeming more annoyed than shocked now, he treads slowly closer to her as to offer a hand in getting her up.
Still having yet caught her breath she replied “I know ~urrrfff~ Daddy, but ~huurrrffff~ I won’t fit…” she trailed off breathlessly. Unable to further the conversation herself I poked in a solution.
“Do you by chance have an outdoor spigot? If the hose is long enough I can bathe her in the yard if nee…”
            The sound of a fist slamming into a wall cut me short. It seemed that despite the seemingly accepting agreement we had come to the night before, her father now seemed to have an issue with the arrangement. Though before I could even utter a word, my dear’s mother place her dainty hand on his shoulder and only smile. “Dear,” she spoke in a stern, yet soft tone. “Why don’t you go on out and get the hose hooked up for the kids hmm? I will get the towels and soap.”
            With a sigh nearly as heavy as his daughter, the elder man walked towards the back door, leaving the plate glass sliding door open for us to follow. Slowly, we did. That is until upon reaching the doorframe to find the width of my soon to be wife, was drastically greater than the opening. Grunting and heaving ensued, but to no avail. She was simple too big to fit. Again breathless, sweating, and now sitting across two of the dining chairs in an attempt to catch her breath. Seeing her state, I slide by her, pressing into the velveteen masses of her hips and belly that spilled over the one side of the chairs, and begin to express the issue to her father. Before I can even get a word out he already seems to know what I am going to say. He motions back to the door, “There’s an emergency release on the inside that pops both panes out, little red handle near the top…”
His tone is still one of somber defeat. I suppose this wasn’t the emergency he had expected when having the doors installed. Regardless I make my return, once again passing by the thick dough of her overhang to find that her mother has begun feeding her breakfast already. As she mindlessly consumed as always, another question came to mind. Just how subtle did I plan on being ins this moment?
A question soon answered on accident as I pulled the release and both door panels fell outwards onto the concrete patio, tipping the table and chairs that rested upon it, and making a ruckus that could have been herd from at least two houses over. Hear it they certainly did. Those same eyes that peer through their blinds as we had arrived the day before were now even less subtle attempt to see what was going on. I tried my hardest not to smile as my beauty in all her glory waddled with her walker to the door frame as I moved the panes out of the way. Watching the neighbors and their silent gasps as she breeched into the outdoors.

To our delight her morning bath was slowly turning into a circus sideshow as now eyes peered from every nearby abode. The task required the efforts of all three of us as the “normal sized” people. Acting as clowns to the fat lady on display we went into motion and start the show. Her father simply held the hose up to mimic a shower spray as I tackled the application of soap and washing, all while her mother still continued feeding the massive breakfast she had prepared. Quite the sight we must have been, the four of us in the yard. I could hear the comments the others must have been making swirl in my head. “Gotta keep the whale hosed down until they can get it back in the ocean.” Perhaps even a “That poor creature! How could anyone live like that?” Either implication brought delight to me in my task, as it did to my dearest.

The vile glint in her eye spoke volumes never set in words, her eyes locked on to the facade of shame and disgust her father bore as a glorified mount for her shower. She was loving this. Perched on the straining bench, her mother hand feeding her, father mortified, and me… Me caressing every supple inch of her massive body for the world to see. My hand pressing the loofa into the deep cervices between her back folds as I made my way around her.

It was when I was reaching into the folds of her left thigh that I began to lose my composure and start to crack my wicked grin. For as I slide the lathered loofa through the depths of where her fat oozed forth in a great tear drop sack around where her knee should have been seen, that a half-eaten cheeseburger fell out to the ground before us. Certainly, this was no fluke, but an attempt to even further push the limits of the tenuous acceptance and unconditional love her parents held for her. For as soon as the sweat soaked, sudsy mass was dislodged she swallowed hard on the mouthful of grits she had been fed and turned to me, mouth agape as if to say “Waste not, want not.” Even I had my doubts as to if she really intended to consume this festering mass of fast food, but yet she refused her mother’s offerings only to nod down to the grotesque burger.

I raise an eyebrow, raising the wad of sweat and soap swollen bun and stale meat. Her own eyebrow peaked she nods to me, and against my better judgement I bring the morsel to her lips and she takes a bite. This, this is why I am so proud of my hog. She didn’t even wince, just chewed, swallowed, and opened for another bite. By the third and final time, even her mother was obviously repulsed, having dropped the feeding spoon she had been using into the pooling mud around us.

With the final act of her show now over, the remainder of the bathing process proceeded with little fanfare. Only a minor chuckle to the fact that it took two beach towels pinned together to properly wrap around her and then another thirty minutes to get her back inside and into the bedroom. After the standard application of lotion, powdering, and elaborate process of getting my porcine princess dressed, she shuffled back out to the dining room for the remained of her breakfast. I picked at a small bowl of grits and a small mound of scrambled eggs as her mother once again fulfilled the duty of hand feeding.
As midday loomed in the question of lunch arose from my dearest, after swallowing the last of the eggs. I mentioned that pizza was already on the way, but that I had a few errands to run before out dinner out tonight. Nothing major really. Just to pick a few necessities we had left behind. With that I gave my darling a sweet kiss upon her bacon grease-soaked lips, patted her bulging belly in admiration and made my way out.

Back in the van, tilting the mirror I could see not one, but drivers from three of the five places I had ordered from coming down the road. I smiled, backed away from the curb and began to drive away. If the little display this morning was too much for them, they were in store for quite the surprise over the next few days of our visit. With Thanksgiving only looming two days away, the main event was still to come.